Jacob Coots, Co-Owner and CEO of Light-Ten

Jacob Coots

Jacob is the CEO and co-founder of Light-Ten, LLC. He manages a successful team that utilizes strategic partnerships to help customers achieve their goals and objectives, creating more efficient operations and growth paths.

Light-Ten is one of the founding partners of GMDP Academy and has contributed to the success of the Academy since 2016. This partnership has resulted in Jacob being named the Director of Operations for GMDP Academy.

Despite having grown up in cow country in the mid-western United States, Jacob always had a fascination with science and technology. He would dismantle and reassemble any piece of technology he could get his hands on from a very young age. It was no surprise when he pursued training in network design and administration while attending university in Indiana. He was recruited out of college to Silicon Valley for an internet startup, Corrigo, Inc. Corrigo developed and used technology to simplify common problems in real estate management. This experience was an precursor of what was to come for Jacob as he has continued his career in technology to solve problems, create efficiency, and help grow businesses of all sizes.

Jacob has consulted in technology and business development in many industries, including healthcare, pharmaceuticals, communications technology (Comcast, Verizon, AT&T), and construction. In addition, he has held several roles critical to business operations, such as project manager, customer relationship manager, customer service manager, operations manager, and IT manager. These roles have provided Jacob with a holistic view of business operations and the needs for operational success.

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